“My joints feel better every single day. No more aches, stiffness, and bone-on-bone pain.”


Millions of Customers With Achy Joints
Use Rest & ReliefTM To:

Enjoy Rapid & Long-Lasting Pain Relief

Repair Joints & Rebuild Cartilage

Fall Asleep Faster & Easier

Enjoy Deeper Sleep Without Disruption

Wake Up Free of Stiffness, Aches & Pain

Have More Energy & Mobility Throughout The Day

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Enjoy Rapid & Long-Lasting Pain Relief

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Enjoy Deeper Sleep Without Disruption


Repair Joints & Rebuild Cartilage


Wake Up Free of Stiffness, Aches & Pain

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Fall Asleep Faster & Easier


Have More Energy & Mobility Throughout The Day

Get Lasting Liberation From Pain With More Delta Sleep Tonight

Every night, when we sleep, we transition from light dozing to the most restorative healing phase — known as Delta Sleep.

The Restorative Power of Delta Sleep

During Delta Sleep, our bodies are flooded with growth hormones and collagen, essential for repairing our damaged joints and tissues.







More Delta Sleep at Night = Fewer Achy Joints by Day

The math is simple: Increasing Delta Sleep accelerates your body's natural repair mechanism.

So you wake up with less pain and stiffness every morning.

The best part? This healing effect accumulates and gets stronger over time.

This means your joints get better and better every single day.

More Delta Sleep at Night = Fewer Achy Joints by Day

Experiencing Persistent Joint Aches & Stiffness? Blame The Decline in Delta Sleep

Studies show older adults get a staggering 87% less Delta Sleep than children. This decline isn't just another statistic, It's vital healing time we’re losing out on.

At the same time, our joints are continuously bombarded with daily wear-and-tear, inflammation, injuries, oxidative stress, and the natural toll of aging. ​​

With much less Delta Sleep, our body's ability to self-repair falls behind, resulting in intensified joint issues and pain.

Signs of Insufficient Delta Sleep

The #1 Enemy of Delta Sleep?

Joint pain isn't just a “day problem”.

It also triggers frequent "micro-awakenings” throughout the night, yanking us out of Delta Sleep phase, resetting the sleep cycle…

And depriving our body of its much-needed self-repair mechanism.

The #1 Enemy of Delta Sleep?

The Vicious Cycle of Escalating Joint Pain

The irony? This sleep disruption often goes unnoticed.

We might think we've enjoyed a full 7-9 hours of sleep but in reality, most of it might just be light sleep.

The consequence? Our joints pay the price. Less delta sleep amplifies joint pain, which leads to even less delta sleep…

Trapping us in an endless cycle of escalating pain.

That’s why our joints get worse over time.

Thankfully, You Can Unlock A Surge of Delta Sleep Tonight

Rest & Relief™ is the #1 Delta Sleep Surge. It’s a unique dual-action solution formulated to swiftly diminish pain and promote more Delta Sleep every night.

It contains the world’s first clinically-proven all-natural botanical formula for rapid pain relief, proven to reduce joint pain by 45% and joint stiffness by 46% within hours, with the benefits increasing with continuous use.

The best part? Lasting pain relief – After using it consistently for at least 12 weeks, the pain relief continues even after discontinuation.



Clinical Results

Significant Pain Relief Within 60 min*

75% Decrease In Joint Pain At 6 Hrs*

Works Like Ibuprofen But Without Side Effects*

Doesn’t Build Up Tolerance Or Dependency*

89% Subjects Experienced ≥50% Pain Relief & Stiffness With Continuous Use*

Lasting Pain Relief Even With Discontinuation After Taking For At Least 12 Weeks*

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#1 Delta Sleep Surge: Your Key to Waking
Up Free of Aches & Pain Every Morning

Product Journey
Take Rest & Relief™ Before Bed
Experience Rapid Pain Relief
Fall Asleep Faster & Easier
Sleep Better Without Disruption
Enjoy Longer Restorative Delta Sleep
Repair Joints & Rebuild Cartilage
Wake Up Free of Stiffness, Aches & Pain
More Energy & Mobility Throughout The Day
Notice Better Joint Health In The Next 12 Weeks

Now You Can Enjoy Better Sleep & Less Achy Joints Too

Knee And Hip Pain Are Greatly Diminished…

“I’m thankful for the gentle sleep and pain relief Rest & Relief™ provides. Sometimes my achy knees keep me awake — mainly because I can’t find a comfortable position. I’m not a pill taker by nature — don’t use OTC or prescribed medicination. That said, the ingredients in this are pretty unique and of a more natural composition, so I gave it a try. It worked pretty fast and I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep all night and not be woken up by pain. My knee and hip pain are greatly diminished. I’ve been getting restful sleep, all thanks to this. ”

Claire Anderson

Verified User

No Signs Of Pain Anywhere Now

“Before taking this, the joints in my fingers would feel stiff, and my hands would sometimes ache, along with wrist pain due to constantly typing at work, and the fact I fractured a bone in one wrist years ago. This was worrying me, and I didn't want it to get worse. If that isn't bad enough, I wasn't born with the best knees either; I think it's genetic. So my knees snap, crackle, and pop sometimes too. I started taking this supplement weeks ago, and I can already feel relief. Usually, on rainy days, I’d be super achy, and my wrists and hands would hurt like crazy, but now, no sign of pain anywhere. This is a miracle! I'm ordering backup bottles, this stuff is super good! ”

Rita Stepp

Verified User

Relieves My Neck Pain & Stop Waking Up From Pain

“By the Grace of God, this really helps to relieve my neck pain and relaxes my entire body. Sleep is refreshing and I seldom wake up in the middle of the night because of the pain. I feel more mobile and rested the next day, and it also lessens any pains.”

Dennis Kennedy, Houston

Verified User

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Now You Can Enjoy Better Sleep & Less Achy Joints Too

Claire Anderson

Verified User

Knee And Hip Pain Are Greatly Diminished…

I’m thankful for the gentle sleep and pain relief Rest & Relief™ provides. Sometimes my achy knees keep me awake — mainly because I can’t find a comfortable position. I’m not a pill taker by nature — don’t use OTC or prescribed medicination. That said, the ingredients in this are pretty unique and of a more natural composition, so I gave it a try. It worked pretty fast and I was able to fall asleep and stay asleep all night and not be woken up by pain. My knee and hip pain are greatly diminished. I’ve been getting restful sleep, all thanks to this.”

Rita Stepp

Verified User

No Signs Of Pain Anywhere Now

“Before taking this, the joints in my fingers would feel stiff, and my hands would sometimes ache, along with wrist pain due to constantly typing at work, and the fact I fractured a bone in one wrist years ago. This was worrying me, and I didn't want it to get worse. If that isn't bad enough, I wasn't born with the best knees either; I think it's genetic. So my knees snap, crackle, and pop sometimes too. I started taking this supplement weeks ago, and I can already feel relief. Usually, on rainy days, I’d be super achy, and my wrists and hands would hurt like crazy, but now, no sign of pain anywhere. This is a miracle! I'm ordering backup bottles, this stuff is super good! ”

Dennis Kennedy, Houston

Verified User

Relieves My Neck Pain & Stop Waking Up From Pain

“By the Grace of God, this really helps to relieve my neck pain and relaxes my entire body. Sleep is refreshing and I seldom wake up in the middle of the night because of the pain. I feel more mobile and rested the next day, and it also lessens any pains.”

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More Benefits of Longer
Delta Sleep Every Night

  • Tissue Repair & Regeneration*
  • Less Pain, Ache & Stiffness*
  • Better Bone & Skin Health*
  • Better Immune & Digestive System*
  • Better Cognitive Functions*
  • Insulin & Glucose Regulation*
  • Improved Metabolism
  • Lower Inflammation Level*
  • Mood & Stress Regulation*
  • Higher Energy Levels*
  • Reduced Risk Of Chronic Conditions*
  • Less Fat Storage*
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Key Ingredients That Maximize Pain Relief & Delta Sleep

Pain-Relief Herbal Blend (Lanconone®)

Pain-Relief Herbal (Lanconone®) & Delta Sleep Support Herbal Blend 

    Delta Sleep Support Herbal Blend





      Formulated For Daily, Long‑Term Consumption

      Rest & Relief™ is manufactured in a US FDA-approved facility that has been rigorously vetted for its exemplary standards.

      100% Natural Botanical Ingredient

      Keto, Paleo & Vegan Friendly

      Effects Increase With
      Continuous Use

      Verified By Clinical Research

      No Tolerance Build Up Or Dependency

      No Loading Dose

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      How To Enjoy Less Joint Aches Every Morning

      How To Enjoy Less Joint Aches Every Morning


      Take two (2) capsules daily 30 to 60 minutes before bed.


      Enjoy rapid pain relief and more delta sleep every night.


      We recommend taking it every night for at least 12 weeks.*


      Continuous consumption helps prevent pain from coming back.

      *Clinical studies show significant improvement in joint pain reduction, stiffness & mobility after taking for at least 12 weeks.

      7th Manna’s 7-Year Money Back Guarantee

      At 7th Manna™, we stand firmly behind the efficacy of Rest & Relief™ with its ingredients backed by human clinical studies.

      That’s why we’re offering an unprecedented 7-Year Money-Back Guarantee. This gives you seven years to experience the transformative effects of more delta sleep can bring to your life.

      Use the whole bottle and get your money back if you’re not 100% satisfied. Just drop us a message, no questions asked.

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      Jumpstart A Pain-Free Cycle With More Delta Sleep Tonight

      As soon as you start taking Rest & Relief™ tonight, you will initiate a positive cycle of more delta sleep, and less achy joints throughout the day.

      Imagine getting more delta sleep every night with less stiffness, aches & pain every morning… Resulting in even more delta sleep and less achy joints with better joint strength, mobility & flexibility in the weeks & months to come.

      It’s all possible with Rest & Relief™. Millions of people have achieved that and are now enjoying life to the fullest pain-free. You can too.

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      Free US Shipping For 3 Bottles or More

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      7-Year, 100% Money Back Guarantee

      Manufactured In US FDA-Approved Facility

      One-Time Payment, No Autobilling

      Ingredients Backed By Clinical Studies

      Deliver Within 5-7 Days

      Massive Savings When You Buy More

      Choose Your Option Below

      All Orders Made Are One-Time Purchases. There Will Not Be Any Recurring Billing Or Hidden Charges.

      1 BOTTLE

      rest and relief_1000px_1btl.png__PID:057ba9f2-c5a7-453c-9fef-b553d062f681

      Usual price: $99




      Instant Savings: $40

      + $9.95 Shipping


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      Rectangle 459@3x.png__PID:f500fd41-1bdc-43c8-afcf-5dd8e9ebf10f

      6 BOTTLES

      rest and relief_1000px_6btls.png__PID:d51f057b-a9f2-45a7-a53c-9fefb553d062

      Usual price: $594




      Instant Savings: $396

      Free Delivery!


      3 BOTTLES

      rest and relief_1000px_3btls.png__PID:1f057ba9-f2c5-4765-bc9f-efb553d062f6

      Usual price: $297




      Instant Savings: $159

      Free Delivery!


      More Stories Of Customers Enjoying Deliverance From Pain

      Notice A Big Difference

      “I'm 72, and suffer from arthritis aches and tingling pain in the hips. By the grace of God, I noticed a big difference after trying this. I couldn't believe I could enjoy these results with such a natural solution. My prayers were answered.”

      Jack Evans, Tampa

      Verified User

      Wake up feeling great!

      “I have always had lower back problems. And lately, since we bought a farm, I am using every joint and muscle I didn't know I even had. And I go to bed and wake up sore, even with a Sleep Number bed. But after using this for just 3 days, I wake up feeling great and renewed! I’m thankful for such a natural relief. ”

      Bill Guinn, North Dakota

      Verified User

      Pains & aches less severe now

      “Rest & Relief™ has truly been an answer to my prayers. It does what it claims to do — provide some relief for pain and promote quality of sleep. The pains and aches are less severe now, and I am happy to enjoy good sleep. If you haven't been sleeping well and become grouchy during the day, you'll know what I mean. That was me back then. This is truly a godsend. ”

      John Woodward, NYC

      Verified User

      Took the edge off the pain

      “Nothing was working – sciatic nerve pain, hip pain, pressure points all related to arthritis were keeping me awake tossing and turning. I was losing hope. But after 3 days with this product, I felt God's grace as the pain eased. It certainly takes the “edge” off the pain. When I awakened, and realized I had slept for longer periods the night before and felt more rested. I found joy again. ”

      Emily Radford, Florida

      Verified User

      Longer I use it, the less pain I get

      Over many years, I have tried lots of products claiming to help my back pain. I’ve had several years of physical therapy including injections. None have worked. As a leap of faith, I decided to try your product. I am happy to say that I had good results. I still have some pain, but I am getting better results than I have had with anything else, including radio frequency. It seems like the longer I use it, the less pain I get. So I’m going to continue using it. Thanks.

      Mattie Johnson, New York

      Verified User

      More Stories Of Customers Enjoying Deliverance From Pain

      Jack Evans, Tampa

      Verified User

      Notice A Big Difference

      “I'm 72, and suffer from arthritis aches and tingling pain in the hips. By the grace of God, I noticed a big difference after trying this. I couldn't believe I could enjoy these results with such a natural solution. My prayers were answered.”

      Bill Guinn, North Dakota

      Verified User

      Wake up feeling great!

      “I have always had lower back problems. And lately, since we bought a farm, I am using every joint and muscle I didn't know I even had. And I go to bed and wake up sore, even with a Sleep Number bed. But after using this for just 3 days, I wake up feeling great and renewed! I’m thankful for such a natural relief. ”

      John Woodward, NYC

      Verified User

      Pains & aches less severe now

      “Rest & Relief™ has truly been an answer to my prayers. It does what it claims to do — provide some relief for pain and promote quality of sleep. The pains and aches are less severe now, and I am happy to enjoy good sleep. If you haven't been sleeping well and become grouchy during the day, you'll know what I mean. That was me back then. This is truly a godsend. ”

      Emily Radford, Florida

      Verified User

      Took the edge off the pain

      “Nothing was working – sciatic nerve pain, hip pain, pressure points all related to arthritis were keeping me awake tossing and turning. I was losing hope. But after 3 days with this product, I felt God's grace as the pain eased. It certainly takes the “edge” off the pain. When I awakened, and realized I had slept for longer periods the night before and felt more rested. I found joy again. ”

      Mattie Johnson, New York

      Verified User

      Longer I use it, the less pain I get

      “Over many years, I have tried lots of products claiming to help my back pain. I’ve had several years of physical therapy including injections. None have worked. As a leap of faith, I decided to try your product. I am happy to say that I had good results. I still have some pain, but I am getting better results than I have had with anything else, including radio frequency. It seems like the longer I use it, the less pain I get. So I’m going to continue using it. Thanks. ”

      About 7th Manna

      At 7th Manna, we believe in reclaiming the gift of pain-free living. We've seen how constant discomfort can rob one's focus from what truly matters – faith, family and service.

      That’s why we've dedicated ourselves to providing a natural solution that honors the body as God's temple, enabling liberation from the chains of torment.

      Our mission transcends merely alleviating pain. We aim to reignite the joy of simple moments, no longer tainted by suffering. Each ingredient is clinically studied and reflects our commitment to God's creations and principles.

      The transformation we've witnessed among customers using 7th Manna affirms our aspiration. We've seen lives reborn, thriving as God intended, celebrating each day free from pain, serving the communities, and manifesting their divine gifts. 7th Manna isn't just a company; it's a pathway towards a purpose-driven life, free from pain, embracing each day to its fullest, just as God intended for us.



      Health-Related Questions

      Order-Related Questions

      Product & Usage Questions

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      * These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure or prevent any medical conditions. The testimonials presented apply only to the individuals depicted, cannot be guaranteed, and should not be considered typical. Every testimonial on this website is from a real customer who used the product, and/or nutrition advice listed on the website. No one was paid for a testimonial or endorsement. Results were self-reported by the customer. You should assume that any results shown in testimonials, advertisements, stories, blog posts, articles, forums, or anywhere else on this site or our associated websites are not typical. Results may vary from person to person.

      This product is not intended as a medical prescription or alternative to prescribed treatment. If you are on medication or suffer from medical conditions, please consult your doctor before consuming any of our products.


      Submit a ticket here


      3242 NE 3rd Avenue #1043 Camas WA 98607

      © 2024 7th Manna. All Rights Reserved.
